Wir danken allen Besuchern für ein erfolgreiches 2024 und wünschen einen guten Start ins Jahr 2025!
Das S-Planetarium bleibt am 31.12., 01.01. und 14.01. geschlossen.
This is the exciting story of measuring the distance to the stars and understanding our Universe. For ages, 3D measurements in space have been impossible and our Milky Way has remained a real mystery. Today satellites can measure star distances at incredible accuracy and make us understand the structure and size of our home galaxy. But how and why did technology and science come so far? This Fulldome show will guide us through time and history, explain basic technologies of star mapping and take us on a fascinating journey along the numerous features of our Milky Way.
Every last Friday of each month at 7:30 p.m. we feature a selected programme in English.
Am letzten Freitag im Monat um 19:30 Uhr zeigen wir ein ausgewähltes Programm in englischer Sprache.